Resources and Help Welcome to Mood and Personality Forum + Guidelines & Instructions

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Aug 18, 2023
Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the Mood & Personality forum, we would love to hear about your experiences and hope to see some really helpful discussions as we continue to grow our community.

A reminder to please be mindful of the thoughts and feelings of other users, comments aimed at being hurtful or putting others down will not be tolerated. Everyone has their own personal experiences and perspectives, so please ensure that conversations are respectful and considerate.

Please try to keep threads posted within this forum topical and relating to mood and personality. It is important to be aware that some of the topics covered may include sensitive or triggering material, and don't hesitate to seek mental health support if needed, it is available 24/7 :).

If you want to know more about mood or personality disorders, some useful sources can be found here:
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To create a thread, click on the orange "post thread" button in the top right corner of the forum page, and you should see a text box come up which you can write in. Please add a prefix relating to your topic of discussion to help people easily navigate through the forum.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
The Joplin Clinic Team
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