Resources and Help Resources about Eating Conditions


Aug 18, 2023
Hello all!

Here are some audio, video and written resources that give some insight into further information regarding eating conditions for those experiencing them and their families. Also, there is some personal stories from those touched by an eating disorder . This information and stories have been added into this forum to give insight into the challenges and triumphs faced when managing and recovering from an eating disorder. Sometimes fact sheets and long articles can be confronting or hard to understand, we hope these resources can give you an alternative to understanding eating conditions in a way that suits you.

1. I Am Maris (2018) - Documentary
I Am Maris follows a young woman, Maris, who struggles with an eating disorder and finds new healthy habits through yoga and mindfulness. I Am Maris illustrates how recovery is ongoing. This documentary follows teenage Maris as she receives inpatient care at a children’s hospital and eventually finds a yoga studio, falling in love with the practice and becoming a yoga teacher.

2. Perfect illusions (2003) - Documentary
This documentary follows the stories of four families who have been impacted by an eating disorder. This documentary could be of use to families of youth affected by an eating disorder, as it not only provides insight into the complexity of the illness but may also give families a sense of connection with others who have gone through a similar experience.

3. Lets talk about eating disorders - The Psychology of your 20's - Podcast (Spotify)
This episode breaks sown the psychology behind eating conditions through the discussion of the podcast hosts own experiences with anorexia and her experiences as an eating condition recovery coach. The triggers and origins of eating disorder, misconceptions, how they impact your psychological and emotional well-being and the journey to healing and recovery is discussed

4. InsideOut Institute - Podcast (Apple Podcasts)
An Australian podcast channel created by the national institute for research and clinical excellence in eating disorders. This podcast on focuses on evidence, as well as discussing pertinent topics with distinguished researchers and clinicians, makes this a highly relevant podcast for those wanting to fine-tune their knowledge on eating disorders.

5. Hope for Recovery: Stories of Healing From Eating Disorders - Book (By Christina Tinker & Catherine Brown
This book provides a collection of essays by women and men who have recovered from eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorders, the reader will have a front row seat to vulnerability, healing, and life-saving information.

6. Talking to Eating Disorders: Simple Ways to Support Someone With Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, Or Body Image Issue - Book (By Jeanne Albronda Heaton Ph. D. & Claudia J. Strauss
This book helps to understand how language can effect someone in recovery or add to ongoing problems in an individuals life. Despite the best intentions by the people who care about an individual experiencing eating condition issues, conversations may leave these individuals with unintentional damage.

If you feel comfortable make sure to let us know your thoughts on these different resources through replying to these threads.

Also, feel free to reply with any links or any resources that you know might have assisted you or any family or friends :)
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